Castelo Novo belongs to a group of 12 Historical Villages of Portugal located in the interior of the country. Its mission is to contribute to improving the local quality of life and to diversifying and boosting economic activity, promoting actions to qualify and disseminate cultural heritage, as well as the qualification of human resources. The Historical Village of Castelo Novo was recognized and distinguished in 2022 as "Best Tourist Villages in the World" in the first two editions of "Best Tourism Villages by UNWTO", an initiative promoted by the World Tourism Organization.
Historical centre To exercise: PR11(FND) Historical path of Castelo Novo (2.81km) Castelo Novo - Baloiço - Casal da Serra - Castelo Novo (17.55km) Mountain Bike and Electric Bike Trails; Caminhos de Santiago Rest Point To eat: 5 restaurants nearby To grab your cup of coffee: 4 places nearby