Welcome to the "How it Works" page for listing your space.
This page will explain the process that you as a business (coworking or coliving space) will experience in order to publish your space, so that you are ready to receive bookings.
If you would like to know how the business relationship with Nomad Cowork and your business works, please click here.Listing Your Space
Before you can receive any bookings, you have to create an account and list your space. Here are the steps you will take from start to finish!

In order to receive bookings, users need to be able to find your business on our platform. Start by creating an account.
Create an accountSet your username, password, email and you business name. As soon as you click "Register" you will be ready to add your listing.

Once you are logged in on your account (either redirected after you create you account, or later when you log in) you will be able to set up your spaces in the "Manage your Space" section.
Add the space photos, neighbourhood and accessibility descriptions. Select the right amenities and features of your space, so the user has a full picture of what your space looks like. Honesty and creativity are paramount. You want to sell you space in the best way possible, so the user chooses your space not only because it shows the right information, but because it is the right space for him/her. This will give you and the user the best experience possible.
Check our Business FAQ to know which are the best ways to tell a story about your space and take great photos.

You need display the offers that you want to sell. Offers are products like flexible desks, meeting rooms, beds, shared rooms etc. Make sure that you add the:
- 1) correct number of users that are available for this offer.
- 2) timeframe that the product is available.
For example, you might want to offer flexible desks for 1 day, 1 week and 1 month. You will create three different products. Each of them need to be created separately because they will have a different price. They will be displayed like 3 different options for our users.
Do the same for meeting rooms, office spaces, beds or bedrooms. Make sure that the price is the same that you offer on your website or social media.

We get hundreds of emails a day and a booking is one of them that we do not want to miss.
Add an email address that you are checking daily so you can reply to the user. We will explain in detail the process in the next paragraphs so you can provide a great experience before the user enters your space.
You can always update your email address in your profile.